As a former AA and RAC patrolman, I got to experience some intriguing situations and meet some real interesting people.
There was the young lady in her Ford Ka that was smoking and making gurgling noises, Watford Gap services southbound. She stopped to check her oil level and it was low, so she bought some oil and filled it up. Literally! She bought four five litre bottles of oil and continued to pour them into the engine until the oil was right at the top of the engine! Upon draining it to the correct level I started the car up, clearing the residue before sending her on her way.
Or the call I received very late on a week night. Mercedes stuck in park, Watford Gap services northbound. I thought about calling the customer and talking him through it over the phone, but being a Mercedes shout I thought I better make an appearance, just in case. As I get out to introduce myself, he immediate opens fire on me, “What time do you call this, I’ve been waiting here for hours, this isn’t good enough.” he tells me.
I try to calm him down but he’s at 100 and not happy. I then tell him I only just got the job about 15 minutes ago but he doesn’t want to know. We sit in his car with him behind the wheel and he immediately starts trying to pull the gear lever out of park like a happy teenager. I ask him to start the car which only aggravates him more, “What difference will that make.” he mutters under his breath. Engine running, it’s still stuck in park. I then ask him to put his foot on the brake. “I know how to drive.” he tells me with more than a hint of sarcasm.
“Try it now.” I tell him.
Immediately the car drops into drive and his mood changes – instantly! “Oh, look at that.” he says, followed by “I hope you didn’t have to drive out far, isn’t it a cold night.” and is now becoming my best friend. I knew I should have called him instead . . .
There was the car on the M6 southbound, puncture no spare. These jobs used to infuriate me, who would be so silly as to go on a motorway journey without a spare, I thought to myself as I approached the scene. Then I saw what the issue was. A young lady in very smart office attire, very attractive, short black skirt and black high heels with a white blouse. Hair and makeup were perfect, she could be on a fashion shoot. She had jacked the car up, got the spare wheel out and had the wheel brace in her hand . . . she had it all under control so why was I there?
“My husband has cable tied the wheel trim on, I can’t get it off to change the wheel.”she told me very angrily! She had two bloody patches on her knee’s from kneeling, scuffed her shoes on the toes and had brake dust all over her hands, face and crisp white blouse. I told her to clean herself up in the cabin whilst I cut the cable ties and changed her wheel for her. I then waited a few minutes for her to calm down before sending her on her way. “Wait till I see him.” she said as she jumped out of the cab, very menacingly!
Oh how I miss the fun of being out on the open road. I was a very nice man, a knight on the road you could say.